Thursday, December 6, 2012


Smart girls are incredible; they know exactly how to behave or what to say in every situation. They don’t say things they don’t mean, everything they say comes from their heart and it’s honest. A good girl knows how to love, but a smart girl knows who to love. She knows who to spend her time with and it’s only people who appreciate her and love her as much as she appreciates and loves them. A smart girl is always happy, yeah, even in sad moments she knows how to find happiness. That is power. A smart girl doesn’t wait for someone else to make her happy, cause she knows that THAT is the best way to be sad. And even if a smart girl has a broken heart, she fixes it. Why? Cause she knows her worth. She knows herself and she’s very thoughtful. That’s why she thinks about every single thing. To me, that’s a beautiful thing, because it shows that she’s using her brain. A smart girl teaches you things without knowing by just sharing her thoughts. That is amazing. If you’ve found a smart girl, don’t ever let her go. Because you will regret it and realize that there’s no better quality than smart. If you leave a smart girl, she will leave you a smart lesson.

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